What’s the Most Common Search Keyword Driving Organic Traffic to B2B Tech Websites?

Most searched keyword for B2b Tech IT services websites organic traffic
10 Sep 2024

Ever wonder what search terms are driving the most organic traffic to B2B tech websites? We were curious too, so we decided to dive in and find out. We analyzed a year’s worth of organic search data that led to organic website traffic in US from eight global IT companies. These multi-billion dollar revenue companies, ranging from well-established players to fast-growing leaders, gave us some fascinating insights.

The Big Question: Which Keywords Drive the Most Traffic?

These companies are constantly pumping out content—everything from cutting-edge AI events and new technology launches to research, tutorials, and analysis. So, which keywords are bringing the most visitors to their websites? Is it trending topics like AI? Software names like SAP or Salesforce? Maybe it’s new product launches or major research studies?

The answer? Yes, those are important—but there’s one set of keywords that outshines them all:

A whopping 71% of the search volume that led to organic website traffic for these eight companies included the brand or company’s name!

Searches versions of the ‘company name’ were as below:

  • Company name’ all on its own (which was the highest in most cases) or
  • ‘Company name’ followed by terms like ‘stocks’, systems’, ‘headquarters’, ‘revenue’, ‘share price, etc.

Some companies saw as much as 90% of their organic traffic come from brand name searches, with the lowest still being a substantial 40%.

Essential Takeways :

(1) Brand Building is Vital 

When someone searches for your company by name, it’s clear they already know who you are. This familiarity doesn’t happen by accident—it’s the result of consistent exposure over time through events, discussions, sales interactions, news, or digital ads. It’s a strong reminder that building your brand is key to success in the B2B tech world.

Another very interesting metric for B2B websites is Google Analytics’ report of ‘direct traffic’ metric- audiences who have directly entered the company URL in the browser. In our experience we have noticed that this number is high, especially in the case of B2B websites. Together- ‘Direct traffic’ and ‘Organic Search’ traffic represent the audiences who have heard/ know the company.

(2) High Intent = High Conversion Potential 

Visitors who search for your brand name are likely further along in their decision-making process. They have already done their homework and are now looking specifically for you. This is a golden opportunity to retarget and guide them down a customized path that could lead to a sale. For instance, if someone downloads a whitepaper, they might be in the early or middle stages of deciding—so serve them content that boosts your company’s credibility and nudges them closer to choosing you.

(3) The importance of the balance 29%

The balance 29% of keywords are vital. These keywords are often the first touchpoints in a potential customer’s journey, helping to build your site’s authority and improve rankings for more commercial, product and informative search terms, finally leading to the 71%. E.g the table below shows a sample of ‘non company name’ keyword searches.

Technical keywordsAgility, refactoring, chaos engineering, GitHub runners, terraform, java8 lambda, inquisitive agile project management
Broad Concepts, queriesEmerging technology trends, Intelligent automation, Future technology, Cold chain management, Healthcare provider solutions, Automotive expert software
EventsGoogle next, Adobe summit, London marathon, Rugby world Cup
Other company namesAdobe, Oracle, Salesforce, Zendesk, Guidewire,
OthersJobs (e.g.IT analyst), Leadership team names

Curious why the above terms don’t drive the most organic traffic to these company websites? It’s because there are countless URLs out there offering answers, many of which can serve the customer’s query better  and, they might not even be from your competitors or within your industry.

The Bottom Line

Reputation, Trust, and Credibility which are built over time remain fundamental for business. Hence, for B2B businesses a conscious brand building strategy with relationship nurturing as a key pillar is important in communication efforts.

(Note: The data above is based on Ahrefs analysis from January to December 2023.)

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